Speaking of hands, can someone please use theirs and knock me out until I fall asleep? Sincerely, the girl who just wants to sleep. (It's me).
Today. has been. so. long.Sooooooooooo. long.
It doesn't really matter though cause it's blog post time-WOO! I just got back from voting for the nominees and award winners for this season's Cappie shows. If you haven't read my past blogs (*cough* shame on you) you might not know that I'm a South Florida Cappie Critic, which basically means I get to see high school productions for free, get served free food, (it's usually baked ziti. guess it's a trend in the theatre world that I just don't know the origins of) and write reviews on said show. At the end of each season all critics in the program vote for the nominees and award winners for a bunch of categories including tech such as Lead Actress, Lead Actor, Supporting Actress, Supporting Actor, Set Design, Costume Design, and more related subjects. I've been on my laptop all day editing, doing an online course (so I graduate on time hehe), and just spent the last hour voting on a laptop, and here I am, of course, typing on a laptop. Woo Hoo. (That was a sarcastic Woo Hoo). So I kind of despise this device right now. I really want to take a nap but the girls are heading over tonight for the final night of filming...we were supposed to finish last night but Sammi had to stay at work. Hopefully everything runs smoothly tonight and we finish before 10:00 PM!
On Monday I told you guys I'd go more in depth on the design of the hand puppets, so here goes! Sammi's hand is named "Tequila". I think the one eyelash and the blue mouth gash correlates with the name choice. Here's a close-up!:
Alexa's hand is the narrator. We picture his name to be something simple that doesn't necessarily make a statement, like "Jeremy", or as I like to call him "Scaredy Cat who looks Constipated all the time". Here's a close up!:
Kamelya's hand isn't completely visible in this picture, but she's got two different colored lips and two protruding snaggelteeth. Her character's name is "Agatha". For some reason that's name I think of protruding teeth. I also thought of naming her "Nanny McPhee" but as I got to know "Agatha" she just became the "Agatha" we know and see today:
Isa's hand is named "Aldolpho", inspired by the character of the same name from one of my favorite musicals called The Drowsy Chaperone. He has a question mark tattooed in the low center of his forehead because he used to be Hindu, but is questioning his faith at the moment, and before you say anything, yes, I did use a fake eyelash for his mustache. #Creativity:
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