Sunday, March 11, 2018

TECHnically speaking...

I never really appreciated the technical work that goes into any artistic production until I started doing theatre. My first TECH week was absolutely thrilling. TECH week basically refers to the week before the show opens, where the entire production is coming together and the technical aspects are being employed, now that the actual performance is mostly ready to go. I was still pretty new to theatre in the eighth grade; it was my first year kind of experimenting with it, so when I went to my first TECH rehearsal I was pretty enthralled by the whole process. I really started to learn how a show came together and how every component bounced off the other. 

Last night was the closing night of my American Musical Theatre program's production of RENT the musical, and when giving the closing announcements, I stated a show just absolutely cannot happen with out techies. I give immense props to our stage manager, Alex Tawid, for having so much passion for her job because without her this show just couldn't have happened! Anyways, I've never really worked on a show backstage, so I'm not really accustomed to professional technique, but that doesn't mean I don't have ideas! Here's a picture of some of my notes on my ideas towards the technical aspects of my project, specifically ideas for possible props, sets, and lighting:

Here are some of the kooky (but really heart wrenching when you see them in person) artworks I'm taking a but of inspiration from (check notes too see why!):

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